How to fill MLSA application form?

Falguni Sarkar
4 min readApr 13, 2021


Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors

Hello Folks, I got selected as Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador! Since then many of you asked about the form filling process so I’m writing about the same. I literally never expected that my application will get accepted on my first attempt. So, without wasting much time let’s jump into the format on how to fill it. It’s just my idea of filling so it might be possible that your POV is different from mine and I completely agree with it.

About MLSA: Learn Student Ambassadors are a global group of campus leaders who are eager to help fellow students, create robust tech communities and develop technical and career skills for the future.

Application Form:

Sections (that are part of the application):

1. Privacy and Terms:
Here instructions are mentioned and the timeline varies from time to time.

Privacy and Terms

2. Personal Information:
Here you need to fill in your basic details like name, gender, DOB, etc.

Personal Information

3. Academic Institution Information:
Here your college/university details along with your degree are asked.

Academic Institution Information

4. Written Sample: (here comes the main part)
Here the question is asked to understand your personality so understanding it is very necessary.

Written Sample

Here is my answer: (please take the idea and write your own answer because here you’ve to reflect your true self)
a. Inspire: Technology has been boon to mankind and I really want to learn something to serve mankind in any way possible and this is the sole reason why technology has always excited me and helping other students to explore and learn is also one of the ways to unfold their true potential. Also, not everyone has access to everything so helping them will surely make them happy and belief in humanity will be restored. I hope whatever knowledge I’ve, I’ll make sure I can help others from that.
b. Teach: Teach — Video Explanation of Question for “Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors” (since at least one video answer is mandatory)
c. Promote: In our college, clubs are very collaborative and the students are enthusiastic too. Also, I’m one of the core members of the Hack Club of our college so collaborating with the club will boost the power of the event. Also, I’ve contacted some people who have been ex-MSPs so I can also invite them to give insights and most importantly if I host any event my main focus will be on community building so that people can actually realize how important is to have a community and learning things becomes so smooth and easy because in a community some have more or less experience which we can use to develop or learn a tech stack.

5. Social Media: (utilise it!)

a. Add the link to your technical blog post. (I did.)
b. Add the link of the technical session you’ve taken which is uploaded to any platform. (I did.)
c. Add the link of your website [portfolio]/online resume. (I didn’t.)
d. GitHub Account Link. (I did and everyone should give it.)
e. GitHub Repository Link you’re maintaining. (I did and you can mention here your favourite project you’re working on.)
f. LinkedIn Profile Link. (I did and must if you don’t have a resume since it works as an online resume.)
g. Add the link of your technical blog site. (I didn’t.)
h. Pluralsight Profile Link. (I didn’t.)
i. Stack Overflow Profile Link. (I didn’t.)
j. Instagram Profile Link. (I did. :P)
k. Twitter Profile Link. (I did. :P)

6. Additional Information:

Additional Information

a. You have to mention your favourite technological stack/domain whatever you like.
b. You can share anything you like with them. (I didn’t)

Hope y’all got how to fill the form properly. If any queries feel free to ping me on Twitter/LinkedIn.
Have a good day!!!



Falguni Sarkar

senior student • swe intern @theinternetfolk • previous @procedure_tech • messed up with front-end web development • hackathon enthusiast